The Network of Advertising
Every product that we use from day to day in each of our lives, holds a significant history of its manufacturing and advertising. From the cooking utensils we use, to the hair products we buy - each item has experienced a journey from being manufactured, to being transported possibly half way around the world, especially for use by ourselves. It's truely amazing when you see the transformations of technology since previous industrial revolutions. An exerpt from "The Economist" states that "Nanotechnology is giving product enhanced features, such as bandages that help heal cuts, engines that run more efficiently, and crockery that cleans more easily." (2012). But sometimes, the money being spent on all of this seems unnecessary. Maybe the motives of our manufacturing industry should be questioned. For example, in this week's lecture, Victoria Kuttainen (2013) referred to a quote that says "Around the world, a billion people do not have access to clean drinking water, yet cities are spending millions of dollars everyday to deal with the plastic water bottles we throw out.". This is when I honestly wander how the financial priorities of the world are formed.![]() |
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When it comes to the advertising of these products, there are so many ways in which manufacturers are able to share the word about their products. One of the most viewed ways of advertising, is through my chosen social networking site, Facebook. When one logs in to their Facebook account, they are always faced with several advertisement that appear down the right hand side of the "News Feed" page. However, the tricky thing is, these advertisements are not randomly selected. Facebook is able to view your profile information, and choose to display particular advertisements that would seem relevant to you. For example, if you have a relationship status change, from 'In a relationship' to 'Single', you will most like see advertisements for online dating or something similar. As well as Facebook, advertisements are presented everywhere. I even stumbled across a blog that promotes and describes different advertisements and ways of advertising.
advertising and marketing: only the best ideas worldwide, since 2003. (2011).
Retrieved 2013, from Adverblog:
Kuttainen, V. (2013). Week 8 Lecture Notes. Retrieved
The Third Industrial Revolution. (2012). The Economist
Newspaper .
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